Riverwalk Robina acknowledges the Kombumerri People as the traditional owners of the land where the Centre now stands. We wish to pay respect to their elders – past, present and emerging. Riverwalk Robina acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People continue to play within our Centre and the Robina Community.

Riverwalk Robina Early Learning Centre is committed to the safety, welfare and well-being of all children. In support of this commitment, our Centre is dedicated to our Child Risk Management Strategy which includes having relevant policies, procedures and training in place to effectively address the safety and well-being of children in our care.
Our Centre Philosophy
By developing trusting relationships, children will feel a sense of belonging and self-worth in our environment. Research has informed us that consistent, nurturing relationships with the same educators early in life, are the cornerstones of both emotional and intellectual competence.
We pride ourselves on the fact that most educators have been working at the Centre for over 5 years. Our educators understand that your child will experience better outcomes when they form a secure attachment with an educator who responds consistently and warmly to their physical, emotional, social and learning needs.
It provides children with the opportunity to investigate, explore, discover, practice, try, fail, succeed, observe, imagine, dream, pretend, share, listen and participate in everyday activities. The “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child” recognises the child’s right to play. Play is a context for learning that:
- Allows for the expression of personality and uniqueness
- Enhances dispositions such as curiosity and creativity
- Enables children to make connections between prior experiences and new learning
- Assists children to develop relationships and concepts
- Stimulates a sense of wellbeing
Our educators will support your child’s artistic, literacy, numeracy, physical, social and emotional development through intentional teaching, stimulating activities and quality resources. Our educators are active collaborators in formulating projects based on the emerging ideas and skills of children.
We use the Early Years Learning Framework and the QLD Kindergarten Guidelines to inform our curriculum planning. We believe that all children are successful, competent and capable learners.
Children are active participants and capable contributors in our community. Teaching and learning about fairness and social justice is also important at our Centre.
We want to work in partnership with families to ensure children feel sense of belonging and ownership of their environment. Your input, advice and ideas are always appreciated. Children thrive when families and educators work together in partnership to support children’s learning.
We provide information to families about community services and resources to support parenting and family wellbeing. We promote the value and contribution of our service within in the broader community.
Our shared vision for all the children attending our Centre, is for each and every one to feel loved, safe, able to learn and participate, and have a positive sense of identity and culture.
This is particularly important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, culturally and linguistically diverse children and children with a disability. Inclusion happens when everyone is viewed as a capable and valued contributor as opposed to deficits that need to be fixed.
Inclusion is about human diversity, where each person is viewed as being unique. True inclusive practice values diversity as a resource that informs policy and practice.
Your child will have the opportunity to take on an active role in caring for their environment and contributing to a sustainable future. We want children to develop a sense of social responsibility during their time with us.
Sustainability recognises the inter-generational nature of making conscious efforts today to actively work towards preserving a future that values, respects and protects our world. It recognises the impacts of today as influencing the ecological balance for future generations.
Our Centre is owned by the Anglican Church, Brisbane. Your child will learn the importance of kindness, compassion, acceptance and gratitude through stories, music, role play and activities. Religious Education is taught on a weekly basis for children from 3yrs until 5yrs of age.
As educators, we constantly use critical reflection and current research to influence our policies, procedures and practice. The Centre invests in professional development opportunities and continuous quality improvement to ensure high quality outcomes for children.