Our Early Childhood Teacher prepares the learning environment to provide large and small group experiences, extended projects and excursions to enrich your child’s learning. The Teacher will have set goals in mind for your child, both short and long term, that factor in holistic needs in the developmental areas of physical, social, emotional, language, cognitive and personal health and wellbeing. Intentional teaching will ensure there is meaningful learning occurring.

Our Teacher uses the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines to specifically enrich children’s learning throughout this year. Responsiveness to children is a cornerstone of our quality learning program. We believe your child is an active competent, capable and creative learner.
Your child will have the opportunity to attend regular story telling sessions at the Robina Library. We want your child to be excited to learn and confident to start their first year of school by the end of their time with us!
The ‘Everyday Music’ Program
Rainbow Town Early Learning Centre offers an exciting program called ‘Everyday Music’ on Thursday afternoons. This program provides children with an opportunity to experience playing a variety of traditional and home-made instruments. These hands-on learning activities help children develop a strong sense of music appreciation. Children will have the opportunity to listen to and create music as well as learn new songs, rhymes and actions. The ‘Everyday Music’ program is also designed to help children improve their fine and gross motor skills as well as widen their language and vocabulary. LiMara Music incorporates the teaching of AUSLAN signs and acknowledges Australia’s Indigenous culture throughout the program.